Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analysis ofMtbnucleoids. TEM images of the longitudinal and transverse sections of: (A, B) wt Mtb from mid-log phase culture showing a well spread out nucleoid in the middle of the cell; (C, D)whiB4-OE cells showing highly condensed nucleoid in the middle of the cell; (E, F)MtbΔwhiB4 showing unorganized and well spread out nucleoid throughout the cell; (G, H)whiB4-comp showing nucleoid like wt Mtb (A, B). (I, J)HU-OE showing highly condensed nucleoid, and (K, L)TcrX-OE showing a well spread nucleoid. Arrowhead indicates nucleoid. For induction, 100 ng ml-1 of Atc was used. As a control, the same amount of Atc was added to other strains. In each case, ~250–300 independent cells were visualized and representative images are shown.